Do you know how to properly prevent childhood cavities?
Tooth decay remains one of the most common diseases to affect children despite the fact that it is largely preventable. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention states that by the age of 20 most people have some degree of tooth-root decay. The good news is with some smart lifestyle choices, your child can go into adulthood with that brilliant smile that only comes from having healthy teeth.
Twice a Day Keeps the Cavities Away
Get into the habit of wiping your infant’s gums with a soft cloth after feeding. By age two, kids should be brushing on their own twice a day. As soon as your toddler has two teeth that touch each other, you can start flossing, as well.
Find a Pediatric Dentist
By age one, your child should already have experienced that first trip to the dentist. A pediatric dentist goes through special training to handle babies even at this young age. Starting early gets the whole family comfortable with a dental professional able to guide you in creating an oral routine that keeps those emerging teeth healthy.
Think Twice About Juice
A bottle full of fruit juice is not a healthy choice despite what the label says. Juice is high in calories and full of sugar that may damage budding teeth. The American Academy of Pediatrics suggests you give your child no more than 6 flu oz. of 100 percent fruit juice each day and never at night before bed.
The best choice for a nighttime bottle is water. If you do choose juice, breast milk or formula, take the bottle out of the baby’s mouth right away and clean the gums.
Introduce the Cup by 12 Months
Let your child get used to drinking from a cup as soon as possible. Put the most appetizing drinks in the cup and the use the bottle just for water. This helps prevent a condition known as baby bottle tooth decay caused by sugary fluid remaining in the mouth for hours and encouraging weaning.
From day one, parents can start their children on the road to good dental hygiene and lower the risk of cavities.