5 Fun Teeth Facts for Kids


Did you know? Check out our 5 fun teeth facts for your kids!

5 Fun Teeth Facts for Kids


Did you know that our country’s first president George Washington lost most of his permanent teeth before he turned 21? He had to use dentures made of gold and brass throughout his adult life. George wasn’t a shining example of excellent oral hygiene, but you can be one by brushing your teeth twice a day and learning a few teeth facts to help you take care of your teeth.

Here are some of them;

1. Tooth enamel is the hardest bone in your body
Yes, it is. The enamel is the reason why teeth last forever. It also protects the inner part of the tooth called the dentin. To take care of your enamel, ensure you brush your teeth often and avoid biting into hard objects.

2. Your mouth makes around 25,000 gallons of saliva in a lifetime
Incredible, isn’t it? 25,000 gallons is equal to the amount of water in a standard Olympic size swimming pool. Saliva also has vital minerals that protect the enamel and prevent tooth decay.

3. Teeth started growing in your gum before you were born
Baby teeth started forming in your gum way before you were born. This explains the itchy gum kids have before the first tooth sprouts. Kids have 20 baby teeth while adults have 32 permanent teeth.

4. Your mouth has more bacteria than there are people in the world
This is true, but it shouldn’t scare you. Keep on brushing your teeth often, especially after meals, and you will be good to go.

5. Everyone’s teeth are different
Teeth are like fingerprints; no two people in the world can claim to have identical teeth. This explains why teeth are crucial in identifying people, especially during an investigation.

Let’s help you take better care of your kid’s teeth. We specialize in preventative dentistry, early dental care, and sedation dentistry. Schedule an appointment with us today for more information.